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Big Blue Extruders
The North Star Big Blue Extruder does not look like
or work like any others. It is designed to be simple and safe yet powerful.
It uses a rack and pinion gear driven mechanism to extrude clay. This model features a 6 x 6 x 12 inch aluminum
barrel that holds a full 25 pound pug of clay and can produce extrusions up to 4-1/2 x 4-1/2 inches, without an expansion box.
Other notable features include:
With this extruder, there are no heavy bars or levers to injure head or feet, no hydraulic pumps or air compressors with their inherent hazards. Instead, it is entirely hand driven. Turning the large handle drives a compound rack-and-pinion gear box which dramatically reduces the force needed to make an extrusion. No more than thirty pounds of force at the handle is needed to make an average extrusion!
The barrel and die simply lift out as a unit (no tools required) so that cleaning, changing dies and loading can be done while you sit or stand comfortably at your work bench.
Wall mounted.
The WagonWheel Handle and compound gear drive make it possible for anyone to make large extrusions without
The WagonWheel Handle is held in place by a quick release pin. It is removed with a pull (again, no tools) so the handle can be quickly set aside whenever it is in the way.
More stock dies will be made available as demand arises, including larger versions of most shapes available for 4 inch extruder.
Custom dies available made
quickly and exactly to your needs.
Ships via UPS in two cartons. Weight
approximately 10 and 55 pounds.
Warranty: One year.
To view prices and order please select the product
from the drop down menu, located at the top of this page.
Big Blue 6" Extruder Dies
The 6" extruder dies are made of 3/4" HDPE (High Density polyethylene).
Which is extremely wear-resistant and completely non-contaminating. The top
edge of the die cavity is beveled to compact the clay as it passes through,
giving a crisp, more solid extrusion. In the hollow dies, there is a bevel
on both the interior and exterior portions under each side of the bracket
(which holds the center of the hollow dies) that helps the extrusion to
"heal" after is has been cut apart by the bracket. This bracket fits into a
slot machined into the top of the hollow die and is held in place by the
barrel of the extruder. If a hollow die is mounted in place, the center part
of the die is in exactly the right place and the wall thickness will
automatically be even all the way around. In general, the walls of
extrusions 3-1/2 inches OD or less are 1/4 inch thick, while larger pieces
have 5/16 inch walls. We have a selection of stock 6? dies available &
custom dies are quickly made and inexpensive.

(Custom die order forms.) |

(Click on button to view dies.) |
North Star offers a full line of other die sets and
individual shapes. To view shapes and sets please select set from
Drop Down Menu or
Click Button Above. Located at the
top of this page.