Standard Extruders
(Stainless Extruder
Package) |
(Stainless Extruder W/ Expansion
Box Kit) |
Here are the simplest, safest extruders
available for small to medium extrusions - the kind most of us do most of the time.
They have proved their utility and durability year after year.
North Star extruders do not look like or work
like any others. They are designed to be simple, safe and inexpensive. Both
models feature a 4 inch square steel barrel tapered at the top for easy loading.
Each comes with a long extension handle to give extra leverage for small extrusions or
stiff clay.
To Be Be Sturdy, Safe and Easy To Use
In these extruders, the handle
length and barrel size are matched to give plenty of leverage without
ratcheting. There are no dangerous shackles, fewer pinch points, no
clumsy multi-jointed handle to come loose, and no post or ratchet parts to wear out.
The handle is anchored at one fixed pivot point, completely eliminating the danger
of a heavy steel bar slipping or suddenly offering no resistance. Clay is loaded with
the handle in the down position, again eliminating danger from a heavy, hard-to-control
Finally there is this simple but very
important note: These machines hold about eight pounds of clay, which will give a
longer extrusion than most people can handle at one time.
To view prices and order please
select the product from the drop down menu, located at the top of this page.
Expansion Box Kit
The Expansion Box is an extruder accessory that
allows the user to produce larger extrusions from their North Star 4? extruder.
This is accomplished by adapting the bottom portion of a detachable box to fit
North Star?s selection of 6 inch Dies. We have a selection of stock 6? dies
available & custom dies are quickly made and inexpensive.

(Click on button for Info) |

(Click on button to view dies.) |
To view prices and order please select the product
from the drop down menu, located at the top of this page.
Standard Extruder Dies
Every extruder comes with 8 coil dies, 2
handle dies, one square coil, one hex coil, a blank die and a die mask. Several of
the coil dies contain 4 cavities of different sizes and the die mask is used to block off
any three of them. The Accessory Die Kit, which may be purchased separately, contains
a stainless steel Z-Bracket (die brace), 4 coil dies, 2 ribbon dies and 6 hollow dies.
All dies are made of 1/2 inch thick polyethylene, which is extremely wear-resistant and
completely non-contaminating. The top edge of the die cavity is beveled to compact
the clay as it passes through, giving a crisp, more solid extrusion. In the hollow
dies, there is a bevel on both the interior and exterior portions under each side of the
bracket (which holds the center of the hollow dies) that helps the extrusion to
"heal" after is has been cut apart by the bracket. This bracket fits into
a Z-shaped slot machined into the top of the hollow die and is held in place by the barrel
of the extruder. If a hollow die is mounted in place, the center part of the die is
in exactly the right place and the wall thickness will automatically be even all the way
Note that in the stainless extruder,
everything that comes in contact with the clay is either stainless steel or plastic and will
not discolor the most delicate porcelain even if clay is left in the machine.

(Custom die order forms.) |

(Click on button to view dies.) |
North Star offers a full line of other die sets and
individual shapes. To view shapes and sets please select set from
Drop Down Menu or
Click Button Above. Located at the
top of this page.
Our complete line of dies is available now and ships the
same day you order!